Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Critique Me: "Self-Portraits" Work-in-Progress

This is my digital self-portrait so far. Trying to smooth out the values is a pain. Comment please!

M.S Mark

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Project Choices

Album Cover Designer

Character Design for Animation

Book Jacket Design

For Monica. Bye Lawler.

M.S. Mark

Friday, November 18, 2011

Art Review: A Clockwork Orange

Either read the book or see the movie. Both stand on their own as literary/cinematic masterpieces. The story follows a the ultra-violent life of Alex; a young sociopath in a post-Cold War landscape.

The book is completly written in Alex's slang, Nadsat, a combination of Russian words and Shakespearean English. Its comentary of free will within the boundaries of good and evil are unparalleled. 

The movie, directed by Stanley Kubrik (2001: Space Odessy, Lolita, Fullmetal Jacket), uses fisheye lenses, rapid motion, synthesized music and other surreal effects to create Alex's universe. 

It is an amazing experience. 

M.S. Mark 


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

BLOG WEB!: Digital Art

Here's my web Lawler! My brain kind of went on this ramble about the different stuff you'd learn about in each field of study.

M.S. Mark

Monday, November 14, 2011

Art in the News: Jessica Walsh

Jessica Walsh, a designer/illustrator, recently won the New Visual Artist's award. The website with her really cool interactive portfolio is here: The article interviewing her is here:

M.S. Mark

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Art Review: GreenDay Music Videos

I wanted to review Green Day's music vids because I am interested in cinematography and the photographic aspects of film. The three here are "Jesus of Suburbia", "When I Come Around" and "Brain Stew/Jaded". Each of these stands on their own, but some common elements of the videos are their use of direct, face-blanching, lights, and odd perspectives. They often tell stories of jaded/dystopic characters and focus on facial expressions to follow the storyline as well as convey the tension in their songs. A good example of this is their "Good Riddance" video:

I like the use of intense color in the majority of their shots, ("Jaded" and "Jesus of Suburbia"). The high contrast directs the viewer to the portraits pervading the videos along with the lyrics of the song. The emphasis on faces shows the wide range of diversity within the human face, as well as the universiallity of the emotions they convey.

Overall, their videos are striking works of art and I like them because of the skill evident in their creation over a multitude of media and by a variety of artists.

M.S Mark  

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Critique Me: "Calve Leg Grommet"

This was a perspective study from last year's photo class. One of my favorites. Tell me what you think!

M.S. Mark

Monday, November 7, 2011

Art in the News: Artist Royalties? Rights Under Fire

The New York Times published an article saying artists are defending their rights to royalties in court. It can be found here: . The issue is, if art is resold for a higher price, should the artist get a cut? What do you think?

M.S. Mark

Friday, November 4, 2011

Steve McCurry's Portraits

I recently found a book of Steve McCurry's portraits in my classroom. I didn't realize just how cool his photos were. The Afgahn Girl is his most famous, but many other portraits are just as good if not better. These absolutly blew me away.

M.S. Mark


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Critique Me: Spaceship in a Window

Do you see it? I like how I was able to light the object. Honestly, it was a lucky break. But I think the blend is good, even if the perspective is off.


M.S Mark

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Art in the News: Hospital Art Inspires Overall Wellbeing

 Chicago Tribune contributor Lori Waxman explore the purposes and effects of art in hospitals.,0,7144484.story . This painting is by Stephen Williams. The article talks about the psychological effects of art in cardiac patients.

M.S Mark