Friday, December 16, 2011

Art Review: The Fountainhead

The Fountainhead is a novel by Ayn Rand about individual freedom vs. facism. I haven't read all of it yet, but the half I did read is writting amazingly. Plus, Roark is a favorite character of mine. Read it!

  M.S Mark

Art in the News: 100 Artists

100 obsure artists have been collected in a book for your viewing pleasure! Article is here:

M.S Mark

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Critique Me: "Juiced"

This is a self portrait in black and white from last year. Please comment!

M.S Mark

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Art Review: Doubt

Doubt is a play written by John Patrick Shanley. It's about a nun trying to confront a Catholic priest for being involved with a student. But there's no evidence. The play questions the roles of good and evil, and where doubt can take you.

M.S Mark

Critique Me: Train

This is my friend on out way to the Chicago Christmas Market. I like the lighting here. Please comment!

M.S Mark

Art in the News: Artist Jumps Out Window to Prove Point

An artist jumps out of his window Hollywood style to impress art critics. The article can be found here: The man prepared with a stuntman for this.

M.S Mark

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Art Review: SLC Punk!

SLC Punk is narrated by Stevo, a punker living in Salt City in 1985. His rants on posers, music, anarchy, beer, and drugs set the landscape of his hectic and off-the-wall life. The characters in this movie are superbly uniquely rendered. It has definitly become my new favorite movie

M.S Mark 

Art in the News: Black

Princeton University press has published a book called Black: The History of a Color. ARTnews has an article giving the brief history of the color, here:

M.S Mark