Monday, April 30, 2012

I think grue and bleen is similar to the doublethink concept of 1984. Like, 2+2=5, green is now blue/ blue is now green. Other theory: A color theory concept where the eye optically mixes blue and green to create different colors.

M.S Mark

Friday, April 27, 2012

Monday, April 23, 2012

Art Topic: Video Game Art Influence

Video games have created a need for action based art. There's more violence. There is also more sequential story-telling aspects.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Art Review: Rob Zombie

I just started listenting to Rob Zombie and I think "What?" and "Mars Needs Women" are my two new favorite songs. I really like to electric-sound and the reference to old time B-movie subjects. The songs are really similar to songs from Repo! The Genetic Opera. If anyone knows any similar artists let me know.


M.S Mark

Critique Me: Final Comic Project

All colored and everything

M.S Mark

Monday, April 16, 2012

Art Topic: What if there were no art?

I'd imagine the world would be less colorful, and it would be harder to communicate since everything would be in writing or numbers.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Critique Me: Comic in Progress

Hey Guys! This is what I've done on my comic so far. Please give me color ideas for the logo.

M.S Mark

Monday, April 9, 2012

Art Topic: Art in Music

These are some example of the multitude of art pieces in the Billy Talent cd pamplets. You can buy the actual cd or recieve the artwork through the digital booklet that comes with some album downloads. the art alone is worth the money. Many pieces correspond to individual saongs on the albums and they are incredibly detail AMAZING surrealist images. They are done by Ian D'sa.

M.S Mark