Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Art Review: Eldritch

This comic is my new obsession: the art and story look really interesting. Basically it's about a kid full of demons fighting with his sister. It's creepy.


M.S Mark

Critique Me: Alien Head

This is my template for my toy's head. He looks a little like Invader Zim when all assembled.

M.S Mark

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Art Review: James Gurney

This is James Gurney. I really like his realistic syle. He uses traditional oil painting methods to create AMAZING fantasy art. He worked on Dinotopia. Check him out.

M.S Mark

Critique Me: Pye Face

This is Andrew Pye. I was experimenting with my fisheye lense last year and thought this came out really cool.

M.S Mark

Art Topic: Living/Dying

I chose this photo I took to represent living and dying because the plant is dead but the colors give it a semblance of life.

M.S Mark

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Art Review: Extra-Action Marching Band

Check this band out! It's like marching band and cabaret combined!

M.S Mark

Critique Me: Eye

This is a light photo I manipulated to look like eyeshadow.